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Generates messages at a given interval using a Bloblang mapping executed without a context. This allows you to generate messages for testing your pipeline configs.

Introduced in version 3.40.0.

# Config fields, showing default values
label: ""
mapping: root = "hello world" # No default (required)
interval: 1s
count: 0
batch_size: 1



A bloblang mapping to use for generating messages.

Type: string

# Examples

mapping: root = "hello world"

mapping: root = {"test":"message","id":uuid_v4()}


The time interval at which messages should be generated, expressed either as a duration string or as a cron expression. If set to an empty string messages will be generated as fast as downstream services can process them. Cron expressions can specify a timezone by prefixing the expression with TZ=<location name>, where the location name corresponds to a file within the IANA Time Zone database.

Type: string
Default: "1s"

# Examples

interval: 5s

interval: 1m

interval: 1h

interval: '@every 1s'

interval: 0,30 */2 * * * *

interval: TZ=Europe/London 30 3-6,20-23 * * *


An optional number of messages to generate, if set above 0 the specified number of messages is generated and then the input will shut down.

Type: int
Default: 0


The number of generated messages that should be accumulated into each batch flushed at the specified interval.

Type: int
Default: 1


A common use case for the generate input is to trigger processors on a schedule so that the processors themselves can behave similarly to an input. The following configuration reads rows from a PostgreSQL table every 5 minutes.

interval: '@every 5m'
mapping: 'root = {}'
- sql_select:
driver: postgres
dsn: postgres://foouser:foopass@localhost:5432/testdb?sslmode=disable
table: foo
columns: [ "*" ]